History of the company | |
1984: |
Established “Chung-hou Industry ” . OEM is the main business in the beginning. |
1986: |
Starting the manufacturing of Universal Joint. |
1989: |
Renamed as YI-JEONG Industrial Co., Ltd. |
1992: |
Technical cooperating with NAKAMURA- the professional propeller shaft manufacturer in Japan. As well as |
planning the process of production in the same period. |
1994: |
Appointing as OEM factory for Nakamura & starting mass production of propeller shaft. |
1996: |
Obtained the certificate of ISO 9001. |
1997: |
Phased in the manufacturing of steering shaft. |
2002: |
New factory built up- second production site. |
2004: |
Concentrated on domestic ATV market especially in the propeller shaft. |
2008: |
Proceeded variety propeller shaft with the cooperation of Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan. |
2011: |
The third manufacturer plant ready for production. |
Introduction | |
It’s been more than 20 years since Yi Jeong’s establishment in 1989. We started out as a supplier of Universal joint to After Market and we expanded our market through the world over the years. In 1995, we launched our R&D in driveshaft manufacturer and production by cooperating with Nakamura Jico co., Ltd which is a professional drive shaft manufacturer in Japan. We had further expanded our product range to rear wheel PROPELLER SHAFT, FORKLIFT PUMP DRIVESHAFT, STEERING SHAFT, HEAVY-DUTY DRIVESHAFT. With the upmost strict quality control and unceasingly progress, our products have high reputation in the market. In views of the fact that chains in ATV couldn’t sustain the high torque and RPM of the engine and domestic ATV (all Terrain Vehicle)entrepreneur have started the development in heavy duty ATV which is more than 250c.c. since 2004, Yi Jeong began to develop high rotational speed drive shaft used in 4WD ATV with many world-famous companies. |
This design is a breakthrough from the limitation of chains and axis type for output power. ATV has upgraded to heavy duty vehicle which has no limitation in terrain and is able to replace traditional farming machinery working in bad terrain condition. |
宜炅工業有限公司 - 公司概覽 成立於1989年,宜炅工業起初專注於代工十字接頭的製造,隨後涉足汽車補修市場的萬向接頭製造。多年來,我們的市場覆蓋範圍已成功擴展至全球,逐漸發展成為傳動元件設計與製造的領導品牌,專精於萬向接頭、傳動軸、轉向軸和重型傳動軸的生產。 |
1995: |
我們與日本知名的傳動軸製造商合作開展傳動軸的研發,此合作促進了我們產品的進步,包括推出後輪傳動軸、堆高機傳動軸、轉向軸和萬向接頭。宜炅始終堅持最嚴格的質量控制,贏得了業界的高度聲譽。1996年,我們獲得了ISO 9001認證,進一步鞏固了對質量的承諾。 |
2004: |
宜炅意識到全地形車(ATV)的鏈條和軸配置的限制,開始開發用於四輪驅動ATV的高轉速傳動軸。這一創新使ATV能夠變身為重型車輛,有能力在崎嶇的地形條件下替代傳統農業機械。 |
2010: |
公司擴建工廠並引進全球最先進的德國Schenck動平衡機,這也是全台灣唯一一架來自Schenck專門用來檢測校正傳動軸動平衡的專用機。此動平衡機有三個校正平面,能針對長度5米內、重量300公斤的傳動軸進行精確的動平衡校正。動平衡校正是關鍵過程,旨在減少或消除傳動軸旋轉時的不平衡力,以降低震動和延長機械壽命。精確的動平衡確保傳動軸在高速運轉時性能最佳,對於高精度應用尤為重要,從而提升了我們產品的穩定性和耐用性。 |
2015: |
我們建置了當時台灣最大的扭力和疲勞測試機,其測試極限扭力高達30000N.M,最大測試長度為1.5米。扭力測試機主要用於評估傳動軸和其他旋轉部件在受到旋轉力矩時的表現,確保它們能承受實際應用中的扭力負荷。疲勞測試則用來模擬和評估長期使用下部件的耐久性,確認它們在連續負荷後的結構完整性和性能穩定性。這些測試設備的應用大幅提升了我們產品的質量保證能力,使宜炅工業能夠生產出更可靠、更耐用的機械部件,滿足高標準的工業需求。 |
2018: |
我們再度進行廠房擴建,至此宜炅工業已擁有三個生產基地,總廠房面積超過2000坪。這一擴展顯著增強了我們的生產能力,使公司能夠更有效地應對日益增長的市場需求和更大規模的生產任務,進一步鞏固了我們在台灣傳動系統市場的領導地位。這些現代化的生產基地配備了先進的製造設施,提高了生產效率並確保了產品品質的一致性和可靠性。 |
2024: |
宜炅工業擴展了專為機械應用設計的萬向接頭產品線。憑藉近40年的專業製造經驗,我們提供客製化小批量到高量標準生產的靈活生產能力,確保成本效益。這些萬向接頭提供多種定制選項,包括定制的介面配置和自訂長度,甚至為特殊應用而完全重新設計的接頭。這些產品設計用於滿足廣泛行業的高精度和耐用性要求,能在多樣化的操作條件下可靠地傳遞機械動力。工業用萬向接頭適用於自動機、專用機、印刷機械、製紙機械、送風機、壓延機、矯直機、分切機、成形機、輸送帶、拉絲和閥門控制等多個行業。宜炅工業致力於通過不斷創新和擴展產品線來延續其市場領導地位,以滿足和超越全球客戶日益變化的需求。 |